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Ronald McDonald Houses in Kentuckiana to Expand Chapter and Services

The Ronald McDonald House in Greater Louisville will be renovating in order to accommodate more families who need its services. The renovation will add an additional 20 rooms and will cost over $20 millions. The renovations are planned to be complete by Christmas of 2019, just in time to serve the families who will be away from their homes on Christmas Day. Families with children receiving treatment for life threatening illnesses and injuries do not get to experience the joy that the holidays will bring since many of them will not be home. Many children will spend this upcoming holiday season in a hospital bed. It is to these families that Ronald McDonald House has committed its efforts of renovation. Without a Ronald McDonald House, many families sleep in hospital chairs because being in a hotel is expensive and many times too far away from their child. At time though, the Kentuckian Ronald McDonald House was so full that they had to turn families away. Over 500 fami...

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